Dr. Chambers' Learning Portal
Welcome! Below you will find all relevant information and materials for success during the 4th Quarter. Please navigate to your specific course on the left. Therein, course goals and agendas will be updated on a weekly basis.
Student Responsibilities:
- Attendance
- Attend regular Performance Day classes/meetings.
- Zoom attendance is required if scheduled (e.g., Mentoring Days).
- Summit Learning
- Students are required to use Summit to submit all work.
- For online PFA Content Assessment approval, students must: (no exceptions)
- notify instructor or mentor via Remind during school hours
- obtain a passing diagnostic score
- Remind and NSD Email
- Students are required to check NSD emails and Remind daily for each class period.
- Proper Netiquette
- Students are required to adhere to all CHS and NSD rules and regulations. All violations will be written up for our Dean.
- Students will wear appropriate attire while on Zoom.
- Students will use Zoom in appropriate settings (e.g., not in bed).
Contact Information:
I am available (in preferential order) via Remind, NSD Email, and Zoom. Students/parents wanting to meet one-on-one via Zoom should contact me to setup an appointment during my office hours.
Office Hours:
M T R F 2:45pm to 3:30pm by appointment only