Letter of Rec Information

Who Should I Ask to Complete a Letter of Rec?
  • A professional who knows you well and is not a relative
  • Teacher
  • Employer
  • Counselor
  • Extra Curricular Activity Supervisor (Coach, Band Instructor, etc.)
  • Administrator (Principal, Assistant Principal, etc.)
How Much Time Should I Provide the Letter Writer?
  • Typically the more time you provide the better letter you will obtain.
  • On average it is best provide at least two weeks (minimum one week).
  • Check deadlines and let the writer know when you need it completed.
What Should I Give the Letter Writer When I Make the Request?
  • Get Organized with the following prior to asking for the rec:
    • A Resume and/or the Completed Letter of Rec Form below
      • Remember the more info. you provide the more the writer can help you "standout"
      • Although the Parent Brag Form below is optional it can be very helpful to the writer!
    • Deadline for when you need the letter completed
    • A description of a scholarship or job you are applying for can help the writer tailor the letter to be more specific in writing the letter
    • You may need to also provide an mailing address (or e-mail address) to the organization you want it sent to if it is requested it be sent directly and not given to the student.